Simplify ICHRA reimbursement
Make your ICHRA offering work like a traditional plan by adding payment automation

We get it. Offering an ICHRA can leave you exhausted, paying multiple carriers, plans and coverage for your individual employees.
That’s where we come in. Premium Payment Manager, powered by ECHO®, provides an automated payment solution for brokers and administrators to enhance any ICHRA offering.

An inefficient reimbursement process
Employees pay out of pocket for full premium amount
Constant “proof of coverage” documentation is required
Ongoing monthly paperwork for employee reimbursement and to ensure compliance
One seamless solution for managing ICHRA reimbursements
A payment automation solution that can be added to any ICHRA so it works like a traditional plan. Employees are removed from the process, alleviating the burden of managing paperwork and allowing time to be spent where it matters most.
Automate Carrier Payments
Consolidated funding enables appropriate carrier payments without employee involvement
Consolidate Payment Reporting
Access to real-time funding reports make employee payroll deductions a breeze
Eliminate the Paperwork
Get out of the day-to-day by eliminating reimbursement requests and/or substantiation documentation
Ensure Regulatory Compliance
Premium Payment Manager processes adhere to all regulations to ensure “tax-free” status for all reimbursements